Employee Benefit Consultants

and Brokers

A pool table in the staff room just won’t cut it anymore. To attract and retain the top talent, businesses must now offer their employees a truly competitive benefit package.

So businesses from all sectors are now turning to employee benefit consultants to help them design benefit packages that strike a chord with both existing and potential employees.

At Capacity Insights, we have extensive experience of helping employee benefit scheme consultants meet their clients’ needs while exceeding all of their expectations.

We draw from data science insights to develop a deep understanding of just what modern employees want and need from their benefit packages. And we work closely with our clients to ensure that your customers’ needs are at the heart of everything we do.

Travel, Dental and Medical Insurance Experts

Travel Insurance

Offer your clients flexible, service rich premiums including:

  • 24/7 doctor access
  • Integrated services for assistance, claims and medical underwriting
  • The potential for parametric claims settlement for baggage
  • Add family member to cover

Health Insurance

Offer your clients uniquely affordable, comprehensive medical cover:

  • 24/7 UK GP Access
  • Private diagnostic consultations
  • Private outpatient and day care treatments
  • Tailored mental health cover
  • Add family members to cover

Dental Insurance

Design innovative schemes based on your clients’ specific requirements, with features such as:

  • Quick access to a dentist
  • App integration
  • “Snap and Send” e-claims
  • Ability to settle claims in 24 hours
  • Add family members to cover

Personal Accident

Offer personal accident insurance as part of your bespoke client benefits packages:
  • Tailored consumer and employee benefits products
  • Embedded, delegated schemes perfect for retail and affinity distribution
  • Unit priced, modular products that drive adoption and value
  • Benefits including Death, PTD, TTD, Fracture and specific accident type cover
  • Combine our products to create uniquely innovative solutions

Why choose Capacity Insights?

We will work in close partnership with you to ensure your clients’ needs are at the heart of what we deliver.

And we go to great lengths to understand your clients’ needs. We have access to a wealth of data science insights which allows us to develop a deep understanding of customers, their needs, and their understanding of the insurance sector.

Thanks to these insights, we know what sort of benefit packages are going to appeal to employees from every background and every sector. Because we can access such reliable insights into the performance of every employee benefit scheme we develop, we’re constantly evolving, and constantly striving to improve cover, pricing, and service.

Benefits to your clients

The benefits to your clients are endless. They’ll get a happier and more productive workforce, with fewer hours lost to employees taking sick days whilst they wait for treatment or to spending hours comparing quotes from numerous third party cover providers. Through them offering such a seamless, comprehensive benefits package, they’ll find it much easier to attract and retain high quality employees.

Our exceptional customer service empowers you to offer exceptional customer service, in turn.

Embedded Travel Insurance

Integration of our insurance products lets you offer your customers a smoother customer journey, and complete peace of mind that they’ll have no gaps in their cover.

Time to Change

Switch to Capacity Insights

See how our unique data science insights and our flexible bespoke support helps employee benefit consultants meet their clients’ needs and exceed their expectations.

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