Corporate Dental Insurance

Flexible, simple and affordable dental insurance for your employees

We specialise in providing bespoke corporate dental insurance plans for large companies with 201+ employees.

We know that you want the best possible benefits scheme and service for your employees.

We place our clients at the heart of everything we deliver. We have access to a wealth of data science insights, and a deep and constantly evolving understanding of employees, their needs, and what they want from their dental cover.

By working in close partnership we take time to understand exactly what you need, and tailor a flexible bespoke solution that meets your budget.

What’s Included in our Corporate Dental Plan?

  • Fast-pass access to dentists – your staff can get seen immediately,
    with no waiting lists.
  • Cover for both routine check-ups and emergency treatments.
  • App-integration, with the ability to manage appointments digitally,
    and even to make “snap and send” e-claims.
  • Cover for treatments, including fillings, crowns, bridges, and more.
  • Options to include or add family members to the plan.


Why choose us for your

Corporate Dental Insurance?

Vast product range

We are committed to delivering for every employee. Fully comprehensive products may not be suitable of every business. We find a product and price point that works for all.

Exceptional Customer Service

We’ll work with you in close partnership to deliver a tailored flexible employee dental insurance scheme that meets both your employees’ needs and your budget requirements.

Trusted Experts

We’re a Lloyd’s of London Coverholder with A-rated insurance capacity and over 17 years’ experience.

Data Science Drives Us

Our access to data science insights gives us a deep and constantly evolving understanding of employees, their needs, and what they want from their dental cover.

How it Works

We offer a range of competitive off-the-shelf dental cover packages. But if these aren’t quite what you’re looking for, we can instead work together to build a flexible dental plan that truly meets your needs.

You’ll then have access to our secure benefits platform. Here you can add employees, amend their information, and manage claims. You can also give your employees access to an embedded insurance app, where they can quickly access their cover and make claims at the touch of a button.

Easy Claims

We offer a fully automated claims settlement process making claims quick and easy. Your employees will get exactly the cover they need just when they need it.

And anytime you need to, you can see exactly how your schemes are running. You’ll also get real-time notifications for any claims and large losses.

Easy Switching

Want to switch from your existing dental insurance provider? We aim to make the switching process as straightforward as possible.

We can also help if you want to add more options to your existing employee dental cover that your current providers can’t offer.


Time to Change – Switch to Capacity Insights Today

Whether you’re looking to invest in your first corporate dental plan, or you wish to change or add to your current package, we’re here for you. We can tailor a bespoke benefits package that truly meets your employees’ needs at a price you can afford.

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