Flexible, simple and affordable healthcare cover for your employees

We specialise in tailoring bespoke employee health insurance plans for small businesses (10-200 employees). We will place your employees’ unique needs at the heart of everything we deliver, and we’ll also take the time to understand your budget requirements.

Access to a wealth of data science insights gives us a deep understanding of employees, their needs, and what they want from their employee health insurance plans.

You can depend on us to deliver the best: We have more than 17 years’ experience, and we’re a Lloyd’s of London Coverholder with A-rated insurance capacity.

The Benefits of Small Business Health Insurance Plans

If you’ve never offered employee health insurance plans as part of your employee benefits, then you’ve been missing out!

Your employees get:

  • 24/7 access to UK GPs, even when they’re abroad.
  • Video consultations available 7 days a week
  • Faster appointments, with no need to put up with long NHS waiting lists

You get:

  • A more valuable and competitive employee benefit package, so you can attract and retain staff.
  • Fewer days lost to unplanned absence, and an overall more productive workforce.
  • A healthier and happier team.

What’s Included in our Employee Healthcare Plans?

We’ll build your employee healthcare plan meet your needs, and your budget.

Our small business healthcare plan can include:

  • 24/7 UK GP access, even when overseas.
  • Private diagnostic consultations.
  • App-integration, with the ability to manage appointments digitally.
  • Private outpatient and day care treatments.
  • Tailored mental health cover
  • The ability for employees to add family members to their plan for a fee.

Show your employees you value them

Valued employees are happy employees, and happy employees tend to be a lot more productive. You might also look forward to improved relationships between staff and management, and the sort of company culture that allows good ideas to grow.

And of course, as a small business owner, you’ll also get to benefit from our health cover. As a small business owner, you’ll also get to benefit from our health cover meaning you’ll always be able to prioritise your own wellbeing.

How it Works

To us you’re a name, not a number. Before we do anything else, we’ll take the time to get to know you and your employees. Our aim is to tailor a bespoke employee health insurance plan that will meet your employees’ needs, as well as your budget requirements.

You’ll then have access to our secure cover platform. You can add employees, amend their information, and manage claims.

Easy Claims

With our small business health insurance, you and your employees can access a fast and fully automated claims settlement process. There’s need to worry about wasting time waiting on claim decisions. Your team can get all the cover they need, precisely when they need it.

Time to Change – Switch to Capacity Insights Today

Want to switch from your existing small business health insurance provider?

We aim to make the switching process as straightforward as possible.Our unique data science insights and our flexible bespoke support will help you build an employee health insurance plan that truly meets your needs without breaking the bank. Whether you’re looking to build an employee health insurance plan from scratch, or you wish to change or add to your current plan, we’re here for you.

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