How to Reduce Your Corporate Travel Costs

How to Reduce Your Corporate Travel Costs

When corporate travel pays off, it really pays off – in the form of new deals in lucrative new markets either at home or abroad. Unfortunately, corporate travel can be expensive, and if it doesn’t bring the returns you want, it can easily feel like a waste of time,...
How Employee Health Affects Productivity

How Employee Health Affects Productivity

There is a direct link between an employee’s health and an employee’s productivity. If an employee’s suffering in any way – whether it’s from a short-term cold or a long-term toothache – then obviously they won’t be at their best. They’ll feel tired, run-down,...
How Much is Corporate Business Health Insurance?

How Much is Corporate Business Health Insurance?

How much you pay for your corporate business health insurance will depend on a number of factors. Because of all of these factors, it’s hard to give a good estimate of how much you should expect to pay for your corporate business health insurance. But in this post,...